March For Public Education in Washington DC

We wanted to make sure that you all were aware of the March for Public Education taking place this Saturday, July 22nd in Washington DC along with sister marches across the country. This March was cofounded by an NEA member from Pennsylvania.  NEA has recently provided financial support for the March and has been coordinating with the co-chairs. We are excited that this has been an organic movement by members to organize marches across the country and NEA President Lily Eskelsen Garcia plans to address the crowd gathering in Washington DC.


Dover Public Safety Town Hall: A Community Conversation

What:  Given the public interest and recent increase in criminal incidences, State Rep. Andria Bennett, Levy Court Commissioner Jim Hosfelt and Dover City Councilman Scott Cole have joined foreces to host a Public Safety Town Hall focused on crime in Dover.  

CREA Retirement Banquet

Another great retirement banquet is in the books.  It was a great evening celebrating retirees throughout the district.  Thank you all for the many years of dedicated service.  Please use this link to view all of the wonderful photos from that night.

Riders in the Know


Have you explored the Riders in the Know page on Schoology?

Every teacher and paraprofessional has aleady been enrolled in the group. Here you will find resources, updates, and information regarding the curriculum and instruction throughout the school district.

17th Annual CREA Scholarship Social

CREA  made over $4,500.00 from the Scholarship Social Fundraiser for our educational scholarships!

Thank you to CREA’s Social Chair – Brittney Touchard for all her time and hard work to make the 17th Annual Scholarship Social Fundraiser a success!

Thank you to everyone who volunteered and donated to the social. It was a success!

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